About the Selim(s) it's little close. Kara didn't help Akgun with own will. And Akgun was not that naive. Kara didn't give Akgun breathing space for good time (at a stage Akgun got more than enough space, and gets mislead). But Akgun is a true guardian angel for (Kara Family). This series includes crime and thrill. I fell in love with izmir with this series. A outside the box set. And actors played very well. e.g hafsanur, ali, alp. Other hand, Serez helped Yaman with his initiative. And Yaman was naive too. Serez protected & him corrected him. Yaman Always got enough space. And it's only drama with good story and acting. In this series set was wonderful, inside Istanbul it's earthly heaven. End of the story in 2013 Medcezir was one of the best. But it's good enough to compite for a 2021 series Son yaz. But both were way good in there ways. As a thrill lover I would pick Son Yaz.


About the Selim(s) it's little close. Kara didn't help Akgun with own will. And Akgun was not that naive. Kara didn't give Akgun breathing space for good time (at a stage Akgun got more than enough space, and gets mislead). But Akgun is a true guardian angel for (Kara Family). This series includes crime and thrill. I fell in love with izmir with this series. A outside the box set. And actors played very well. e.g hafsanur, ali, alp. Other hand, Serez helped Yaman with his initiative. And Yaman was naive too. Serez protected & him corrected him. Yaman Always got enough space. And it's only drama with good story and acting. In this series set was wonderful, inside Istanbul it's earthly heaven. End of the story in 2013 Medcezir was one of the best. But it's good enough to compite for a 2021 series Son yaz. But both were way good in there ways. As a thrill lover I would pick Son Yaz.


About the Selim(s) it's little close. Kara didn't help Akgun with own will. And Akgun was not that naive. Kara didn't give Akgun breathing space for good time (at a stage Akgun got more than enough space, and gets mislead). But Akgun is a true guardian angel for (Kara Family). This series includes crime and thrill. I fell in love with izmir with this series. A outside the box set. And actors played very well. e.g hafsanur, ali, alp. Other hand, Serez helped Yaman with his initiative. And Yaman was naive too. Serez protected & him corrected him. Yaman Always got enough space. And it's only drama with good story and acting. In this series set was wonderful, inside Istanbul it's earthly heaven. End of the story in 2013 Medcezir was one of the best. But it's good enough to compite for a 2021 series Son yaz. But both were way good in there ways. As a thrill lover I would pick Son Yaz.


Pershkrim :

Çfarë ndodh kur një polic entuziast province bashkë me dhinë e tij shoqëruese bashkëpunon me një polic të ndrojtur nga kryeqytetit? Të dy arrijnë të kapin një nga kriminelët më të mëdhenj të drogës në botë në një aventurë mbushur me humor, rrezik dhe karamele.


Pershkrim :

Rilind rivaliteti legjendar mes Tomit dhe Xherrit, ndërkohë që ky i fundit shkon në hotelin më të mirë të Nju Jorkut, në prag të dasmës së shekullit. Tomit, ndihmësit të menaxheres së hotelit, do t’i duhet ta përzërë miun ngatërrestar, por beteja mes maces e miut përshkallëzohet aq shumë sa kërcënon të shkatërrojë dasmën dhe ndoshta, edhe vetë hotelin.


Pershkrim :

Duke dashur të bëjë një jetë të ndershme, një grabitës famëkeq bankash, dorëzohet, vetëm e vetëm për tu tradhëtuar nga dy agjentë të pamëshirshëm të FBI-së.


Pershkrim :

Dy miq të fëmijërisë planifikojnë të grabisinnjë depo të makinave të blinduara,por një oficer i NYPD qëndron në rrugën e tyre.



Mehmeti eshte nje njeri i dhashur i cili drejton nje magazine e mbeturinash ne nje lagje te Stambollit, ai i ndihmon te gjithe njerezit ne nevoje, vecanarisht femijet dhe adoleshentet e pastrehe pasi dhe ai dikur ishte i tille.

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